What to Do in Case of a Storm or Bad Weather While Camping

Preferably every camping trip would be filled with perfect climate conditions. Warm days, clear nights, pleasant temperatures and blue skies would all be ideal. Regrettably, as we are all aware, whatever our outdoor preparations, nature does whatever it wishes. Moreover, part of the allure of camping is that you can only prepare for the unavoidable bumps in the road so far in advance that Mother Nature is expected to throw at any camper.

You must bring the optional wet-weather gear and bear additional weight in your bag if you’re questioning the sky. Without the extra layers, you're expected to freeze braving the trails. Although we cannot influence the weather, we can monitor what we're carrying and how we're preparing. These suggestions on camping in extreme weather will help you pass through even the most dangerous conditions you experience.

Although some campers may be disappointed by rain in the forecast, others have realized that weather-stricken camping provides amazing opportunities that you simply cannot get on clear nights. There is no reason to change your schedule if you have the correct gear. You can instead sleep in safety, listening to the soothing sounds of rain on your tent. Camping has become a popular activity for all outdoor enthusiasts prepared to endure the sun and snow alike. You can't be ready for those unforeseen storms or bad moments though you do try to organize your travels around the weather.

Consider a somewhat elevated campsite which is not next to a river or lake. Waking up in three inches of water after a rainstorm isn't pleasant. Even better, it would be easier to coax yourself out of your sleeping bag on cold and rainy mornings if your tent faces the sunlight.

And be cautious when setting yourself up under a tree. Water droplets will continue to pour on your head even after the rain has ended, and falling branches may harm you if the weather gets bad immediately. The camp is extremely critical while you are positioning so make sure you pitch it well. That means choosing high ground if the choice exists and resisting deploying too close to a river or lake.

Like most risk reduction initiatives, trying to cope with poor weather begins long before you get to the journey. Make sure you have appropriate waterproof clothing (parka and pants) and begin the trip with your rain gear on top so you don't have to unpack in the rain. Bring a few dry bags as well, just in case it rains while you're out in the forest. Use them to secure the electronic equipment that you have away from the harmful dampness. Also, these bags will ensure that you've got a dry set of clothes in case you're trapped in a rainstorm.

Hiking or camping in woodlands provides little or no defense against heavy winds, contrary to what you would expect, particularly at upper elevations where trees are prone to having strong roots. Such trees can instantly blow over and fill the air with dust, leaves, and branches. Search for protection in a strong, sturdy structure, a large, stable rocky outcrop or a cave if strong winds come crashing down upon you. Ripping dirt and dust out on plains without ground cover is a significant threat, so seek shelter.

Sleeping resources need special recognition while camping in the rain. You need covering that withstands water to keep your body warm while also removing moisture from your breath, sweat, and any humidity left in your clothes. Traditional sleeping bags don't have all of these features, but they can be paired with all-weather covers and bivy sacks. You're at higher risk of hypothermia while you're asleep, so shop cautiously for a fix for your rainy weather sleep.

In certain cases, a portable stove is useful for a hot meal, but rainy weather is typically not one of them. Although you might be able to heat water for a hot drink, trying to prepare a complete meal may be frustrating. Consider bringing some food items that don't need to be prepared and just make sure the wrapping is plastic or foil instead of a carton.

Even if the synthetic clothes and rain gear keep your interior warm and dry, your feet and hands can become instantly freezing cold. This happens most frequently while exposing your hands to the weather so you can handle matches, cooking equipment and the like. Handheld hand and foot warmers are the easiest way of keeping your feet and hands heated up.

One of the most critical pieces of advice is to prepare for extreme weather even though the weather is calm and the forecaster says otherwise. Weather patterns can change in certain areas in a matter of seconds based on the altitude at which you are camping and the time of year. Always bring your battered old raincoat with you as personal satisfaction is worth the additional load or cost.

Camping expeditions are no longer confined to the hot summer days. With advancements in technology, garments and weather information, heading out in all sorts of weather is safer than ever. Camping is now an event throughout the year. You can try and organize your camping trips for ideal conditions, but you can also plan and be prepared for anything like the Scouts.  It is also important that you keep a constructive outlook about whatever challenges nature is offering you. You can't control the weather, however, you can adapt to it. Acknowledging failure is fine, and calling it a day is totally fine if the weather gets worse.

If you're all soaked and cold and can't seem to get dry, then leaving the tent is okay and spending some time in the car or truck might help until the poor weather ends. The bottom line is to plan ahead of time. There are different weather forms for camping. Get an idea of the weather you're going to be subjected to, get forecasts as much as possible, and brace for any changes the weather may bring.

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